2023 - Present
A first-person survival-horror game about a boy searching for his lost dog, built in Unreal Engine 5.
- Built core gameplay systems with C++ and blueprints, including a first-person player controller with items/inventory, gun combat, a responsive HUD, and a dynamic day/night cycle
- Engineered a variety of enemy AIs that dynamically react to light using behavior trees
- Designed 3 levels, including blockouts, puzzle mechanics, navmeshes, and environmental storytelling
- Utilized version control and project management tools for team coordination

Last Lunar Air
2021 - Present
A Gameboy-inspired Unity side-scroller about skateboarding on the Moon, developed entirely solo.
- Designed and built all game systems, including the “skateboard trick” gameplay loop, a custom low-gravity physics engine, real-time procedural level generation, and an adaptive FMOD-integrated audio system
- Utilized object pooling, nested prefabs, event handling, scriptable objects, singletons, and the Unity Profiler for optimization and maintainability
- Created all art assets and sfx/music, implemented particle FX, and built a custom animation state machine for the player, UI, and cutscenes

Sally Says Die!
A top-down puzzle-platformer about escaping a hellish kid's birthday party, made in 48 hours with a team of 3 for the 2024 Global Game Jam.
- Programmed all player mechanics, including health, items, and inventory
- Designed and implemented all enemies and built a FSM-based AI framework
- Collaborated on a dialogue system and assisted my teammate with learning the Unity engine
Intergalactic Burger War
A fast-n-wacky card game where players compete to build the best damn burger in the Cosmos, made in 10 weeks entirely solo.
- Designed a rules system and mechanics for 30 unique cards
- Utilized graphic design principles and researched retro art to create card layouts that communicate gameplay in a concise, appealing manner