
2023 - Present

"A boy searches for his lost dog."

A first-person survival horror game inspired by late 90s consoles, when the limitations of 3D birthed the best and scariest games from our childhoods.

This game is being co-created with Andrew Vien. It's our first large project in Unreal Engine 5, serving as a workshop of ideas and interesting mechanics as we learn the engine.

Genre: First-Person Survival Horror

Team Size: 2

Tools Used: UE5, C++/Blueprints, Blender, Reaper

Status: In Development [Playable Demo]

Roles and Responsibilities

Programming and AI

  • Designed a variety of enemy AIs that dynamically react to light – both static and player-caused – using behavior trees and environmental query systems
  • Built a system for environmental storytelling, using C++ to create placeable blueprints that interact with other systems such as lighting, AI, and SFX

Level Design

  • Designed, greyboxed, and implemented the starting level
  • Modeled and textured low-poly assets using Blender
  • Implemented lo-fi post-processing VFX
  • Designed and mixed ambience and sound FX in Reaper


2023 - Present

"A boy searches for his lost dog."

A first-person survival horror game inspired by late 90s consoles, when the limitations of 3D birthed the best and scariest games from our childhoods.

This game is being co-created with Andrew Vien. It's our first large project in Unreal Engine 5, serving as a workshop of ideas and interesting mechanics as we learn the engine.

Genre: First-Person Survival Horror

Team Size: 2

Tools Used: UE5, C++/Blueprints, Blender, Reaper

Status: In Development [Playable Demo]

Roles and Responsibilities

Programming and AI

Level Design


2023 - Present

"A boy searches for his lost dog."

A first-person survival horror game inspired by late 90s consoles, when the limitations of 3D birthed the best and scariest games from our childhoods.

This game is being co-created with Andrew Vien. It's our first large project in Unreal Engine 5, serving as a workshop of ideas and interesting mechanics as we learn the engine.

Genre: First-Person Survival Horror

Team Size: 2

Tools Used: UE5, C++/Blueprints, Blender, Reaper

Status: In Development [Playable Demo]

Roles and Responsibilities

Programming and AI

Level Design